August 2024 with Europe House

The activities of Europe House in August 2024 were principally focused on the #EuropeForCulture campaign, through which numerous events were organised to celebrate culture, and in particular the art o...

The activities of Europe House in August 2024 were principally focused on the #EuropeForCulture campaign, through which numerous events were organised to celebrate culture, and in particular the art of filmmaking. Europe House, in cooperation with Sarajevo Film Festival, became one of the official central festival locations where workshops and film screenings were held with a focus on human rights and reconciliation, climate change and the role of young people, in cooperation with Young European Ambassadors. During the Festival, we also highlighted the support of the European Union through the Creative Europe program to Sarajevo Film Festival and, in cooperation with the Creative Europe Desk, organised an info day. We hosted workshops within the Dealing with the Past program – a traditional SFF program that provides a unique platform for dialogue between film professionals, civil society organisations and young people in general. Program participants also had an opportunity to visit two exhibitions at Europe House – Pleonexia by Almina Zrna and YuGHOSTlavia by the young artist Asya Isovic, and to talk with the authors. We discussed human rights in the context of the region as well as the challenges facing global society. Together with the producers and creators of the short animated documentary GAIA, we discussed the challenges of environmental preservation and the role of film and art in communicating these problems. In cooperation with Garden of Dreams, we ended the festival activities with a concert in front of the Eternal Flame building, which gathered more than 30,000 citizens on the street.

Through the #EUzaBiH campaign, which emphasizes the possibilities and results of the European Union’s support in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in cooperation with Radio Sarajevo, we published an edition of EU Periscope radio broadcasts about the successes of the Erasmus+ program in BiH. Through the closEUp campaign, we presented interesting facts about the EU member state the Netherlands. Through the infographics Did you know?/Sign up! we announced an invitation under the Digital Europe program as well as an invitation to participate in the Political Academy for Youth.