July 2024 with Europe House

Europe House’s activities in July 2024 highlighted the importance of EU support to BiH through the #EUzaBiH campaign.

Europe House’s activities in July 2024 highlighted the importance of EU support to BiH through the #EUzaBiH campaign. In cooperation with Radio Sarajevo, we broadcast two editions of the EU Periscope radio shows on the European Union’s Creative Europe program for the digitalisation of BiH’s cultural heritage, as well as support for the establishment of the Centre for Energy Transition. We also published an edition of EU Periscope about the Digital Centre for Youth project, which supports connecting young people with the aim of acquiring new skills. This project was also promoted through the series My EU Story. We also published one edition of the E2U video campaign about E387, the first BiH company that produces chargers for electric vehicles. Through the closEUp campaign, we presented interesting facts about the EU member state Malta.

Through the activities of #EuropeForCulture, we continued promotion of culture and cultural diplomacy through the platform Europe House Presents and organized the Pleonexia exhibition by award-winning BiH photographer Almin Zrno. In cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain and UNESCO, we presented to the citizens of Mostar the exhibition “Prado on the Streets”, previously exhibited in Sarajevo.

In order to emphasize the green policies of the European Union, through the activities of #OurPlanetOurFuture, we published an edition of our Ecopedia educational infographics on the occasion of International Day Plastic Bag Free Day.